someone’s story

septembrie 15, 2007 la 12:07 am | Publicat în poveste ne-insemnata | 5 comentarii

Povestea cuiva. Sau mai bine zis o insemnare scurta, adunata, scrisa, de unde fiecare poate intelege mult…

It’s amazing how oblivious of the rest of the world you are when you think just about one thing. Maybe even better when it’s one person. When you’re about to hold her. You want to grab her and hold her in your arms – you do it. And the rest of the world just disappears. All there is now – you and her. And then she presses her nose against yours – sweet!
I feel like I need to spit things out, to get’em outa me, yet I can’t speak my mind enough to do so. I can’t let me spend enough time with me to do so. But I feel pretty good. I loved this date, today. It was a date to remember.
Sometimes I have this inclination to go back, to send a message of back-togetherness. But no. I don’t really want that. I do feel an empty void as was obvious would happen…
„I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell”
„Talking to myself in public”
Muzica la max!!!
I missed dancing to myself.
Scriu incet, incet… gandesc, ascult, gandesc, ascult, pierd firul, in regasesc, caut alt fir, etc. Si muzica e atat de sublima…
Dac-as putea sa exprim aceste corzi in cuvinte…

Talk, talk, talk, keep talking, keep listening. Learn. Remember. All those things you lived are coming back, in a way. Yes, it takes a long time to find yourself. Traieste viata intens. Asta faci tu, da. Asta te face… artist, in a way. Ea nu pare tocmai asa, desi e sensibila… Si totusi nu ai respins-o, si nici n-ai vrut sa te-apropii prea mult de prima oara. Poate fi o prietenie frumoasa, poate fi o dragoste intensa si scurta, poate fi ceva din amandoua, poate fi niciuna… frumos. Interesant. Aventuros. Misterios. Surprinde-o.

dar despre ce?
Despre muzica!
Despre ce?
N-am mai citit mult demult.
Astazi am vorbit cu cineva despre Dumnezeu. Ce, cum, cand, cred?
Da. Cred, zic. In Dumnezeu, Creatorul acestui Univers (si poate al altora), al lumii noastre pamantene. El se afla la un pol al „ek-sistentei” si noi… la celalalt. Una exista pentru ca exista cealalta. Ceva a creat toate astea, tot ce exista. Eu si jurul meu. Si-apoi acel ceva reprezinta acest tot. Poate ca e acest tot! Dumnezeu poate fi un atom, poate fi un Univers, poate fi mai mult de-atat sau mai putin de-atat. El este ceea ce este, exista prin aceasta lume. Suntem creatia lui. In rest… sunt multe intrebari si multe goluri inca fara raspuns. Si unele raspunsuri fara intrebari, poate, si unele intrebari care nu pot fi puse…

Doar 42 e raspunsul la intrebarea cea mai cea… O intrebare necunoscuta…

Do you wanna fall in love?
Erm… dunno yet.

I feel like… talking to someone for hours, peacefully, gracefully, slowly… Are things always in a rush though? Umm, not exactly. Sometimes I am. Was I today? At some points, yes. I still need to calm down a bit. There’s no rush. Yeah, so I’m leaving in a short time. So what? No biggie. It’s gonna be alright. Yep. Of course. It’s always gonna be alright. Hopefully.
Surprisingly surprising.


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  1. „Poate fi o prietenie frumoasa, poate fi o dragoste intensa si scurta, poate fi ceva din amandoua, poate fi niciuna… frumos. ”
    intotdeauna este ceva…

  2. :] optimist, nu?

  3. nu tot timpul.. 🙂

  4. ehh, acu’ faci pe desteapta :D… (m-ai prins :”>)

  5. 😕

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